Saturday, November 1, 2008

Willie Geist Campaigns For McCain On The Upper West Side, Rejected By New Yorkers

W T F?? did JOE mean more educated neighborhood!!?? joe is a B i g o t! people have a freedom of speech I wonder what would he say if he saw the mccain rallies!! and the way they were talking about Obama!! Joe need to S T F U

"Morning Joe" co-host Willie Geist set out to find McCain supporters on New York's famously liberal Upper West Side, putting on a McCain-Palin t-shirt and parking himself in front of the legendary Jewish deli Zabar's. He ended up finding one Republican couple, but not before being greeted with scorn and bewilderment by passersby, many of whom said that they didn't know a single person in the neighborhood who is planning to vote for John McCain.

Back in the studio, Mika Brzezniski and Mike Barnicle were deeply disturbed by the way Willie was received in the neighborhood. Barnicle said, "That is an important cultural piece, and it proves why so many people are so right — no pun intended — to really loathe so many on the left. Those people are so close-minded."

In Washington D.C., Joe Scarborough — who often complains that Democrats fail to see beyond the Upper West Side and Georgetown — said, "There's some really, really hostile people on the left who just think that they are

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