Tuesday, June 3, 2008

If hillary really cares about the DEM party like she says she does she needs to talk to her supporters

Its just plain as day that hillary clinton doesn't care about her supporters or the dem party, for if she did she would not let her supporters threaten to vote for john mccain if she is not the nominee, and for her supporters that are threaten to vote repug remember this, if mccain is in office you might as well forget about Roe v. Wade because it well get overturned with mccain in office, T4R has found clinton's supporters going against one another and trying to advise each other not to switch partys out of anger and disappointment,hillary needs to rally her supporters if she really cares about her party as she says she do,here is what one out of many of her supporters as saying,

PLEASE DON'T EVER SAY YOU WILL VOTE FOR MCCAIN! PLEASE! I need my husband to come home! I have two autistic children that are ages 3 and 4, and I can't do this alone.

I BEG YOU! DON'T vote for McCain, EVER!

I'm not crazy about BO either, but I would NEVER vote McCain into office because that will be the worst thing to ever happen to THOUSANDS of americans families who need their daddies, mommies and their husbands and wives.

I know you all are trying, we all are trying like crazy to get her elected, but don't vote for McCain, please."

Jeffery Toobin Says Hillary is deranged!!



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