Friday, May 30, 2008

Joking about assassination of Obama is not FUNNY!!

So FOX News contributer Liz Trotta thought it would be a good idea to joke about the killing of Sen. Barack Obama. Since Hilliary Clinton busted the seal on the idea with the RFK comment, I guess it's fair game to joke about.But this was not a slip of the tongue, as you can see. We shouldn't let one comment like this slide. Not one. But since it looks like she'll get away with it, please, no more assassination remarks or jokes on national television! ... "Assassination" jokes about the current president are not politically correct. That's an understatement. It is no different for the next possible leader of our country, Obama. Listen, Trotta is the former New York bureau chief of The Washington Times. That's a shame. She's a journalist, but not a responsible journalist. And now she's just another idiot like the ones Fox usually puts up there to talk.The video has been going around for a few days. In all fair and balanced fairness, here's Trott's apology, where she jokes and laughs again? The Mike Huckabee NRA Obama shooting remark was sick enough. It's not funny. It's not a joke.On a completely unrelated note, here's some more good ol' fair and balanced reporting. Shout out to Fox!!!

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